• I want to work in hospitality
  • Tourism
  • Hygiene Code

I want to work in hospitality


Are you as passionate about the restaurant industry as we are? Are you looking to provide impeccable customer service to our member’s clientele? If so, then we can find the right fit for you!

CRA matches a wide variety of employment opportunities in different areas: food & beverage service, hostessing/reservations, marketing, culinary/kitchen, and others. Does something pique your interest?

Please send in your open application for us to match you with one of our members.


Food safety in the catering industry: everything about HACCP

Do you have a business in the hospitality industry? Then you cannot escape rules regarding food safety. You have probably already come across the term 'HACCP'. But what exactly is HACCP and what does it mean for you as a catering entrepreneur?

Meaning HACCP

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points).

Complying with HACCP rules: 2 ways

There are 2 ways to comply with the HACCP rules: you can use an approved Hygiene Code of the sector in which you work or you can draw up a HACCP plan yourself.

HACCP certificate not required

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) monitors compliance with the rules.

Hygiene code versus Diploma in Social Hygiene

The Hygiene Code is sometimes confused with the Declaration of Knowledge and Understanding Social Hygiene.

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To Join CRA

Become A Member

By filling in the registration form.

The association of restaurants on Curacao provides information exchange between restaurants, provides advice and courses and develops activities for the benefit of the restaurant sector on Curacao. Full-time service can be provided and the restaurants are represented to media and government as one sector.

Goals of the association: 

Information provision 

  • Regular newsletters with all available information from the CRA itself and related organizations. 
  • On request information about specific routes, applications, permits etc. 
  • Information about fellow members through the members’ database. 
  • Benefit from suppliers and other service providers. 

Talks with government, government agencies and other industry associations. 

The CRA has close contact with the following government services and ministries, including:

  • Ministry of Economic Development 
  • Ministry of Health, Environment & Nature 
  • Permits Desk 
  • The CRA maintains contact with CHATA to optimize collaboration. 
  • The CRA seeks contact with other industry associations for possible cooperation.

Offering courses, events and marketing activities. 

  • The CRA examines the possibilities to realize workshops, courses and other activities to improve the level of restaurants. The aim is to offer them affordably to members. 
  • The CRA itself develops events to promote the restaurant sector. 
  • In a joint effort to target the tourist, the possibility of marketing to promote the restaurant sector on Curacao is being explored. 

Becoming a member of the CRA requires a ‘restaurant A’ and or ‘B license’. Contribution is Naf 100, – (incl. OB) per month. Payable in advance (Naf 1100, – per year, one month discount) or monthly with a standing bank order. 

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The Curaçao Flavours

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Vestibulum rutum, mi nec elementum vehicula, eros quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante.




80 diverse restaurants with their own identity and experience




Common and individual ambition to thrive together



On improvement, collaboration to uplift our culture


Membership Initiatives

We believe in protecting the best interests of our members.
We will also represent our members as a unified voice of the industry to the government and to assist our members to prosper in their businesses.


Mission & Vision

The Curacao Restaurant Association’s (CRA) mission is to represent, promote and educate our members for the improvement of the restaurant and foodservice industry of Curaçao.










Training & Education

The Association actively and continuously promotes the development of a skilled workforce for the industry. We run professional development short courses to improve the industry. We maintain a close relationship with the Hospitality Standards Institute and industry training providers.

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