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KHN and the CRA enter into a partnership 

KHN and the CRA enter into a partnership 

This week Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (KHN) and Curaçao Restaurant Association (CRA) entered into a partnership, whereby Curaçao will become a new KHN department. This means that catering entrepreneurs in Curaçao will soon be able to

Ulrich de Windt joins CRA

Ulrich de Windt joins CRA

From 1 August Curaçao Restaurant Association (hereafter CRA) has a new director in the person of Ulrich A.F. de Windt MSc. Ulrich, born in Curaçao, is an experienced business leader and entrepreneur. He is graduated at the

Nowadays more and more restaurant guests want a full service restaurant experience, when they  go out for dinner. Besides that the quality

This week Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (KHN) and Curaçao Restaurant Association (CRA) entered into a partnership, whereby Curaçao will become a new KHN

Ulrich de Windt joins CRA

From 1 August Curaçao Restaurant Association (hereafter CRA) has a new director in the person of Ulrich A.F. de Windt MSc.  Ulrich, born